Hmm, interesting. I’m a fan of your approach--content is free, tips or recognition are appreciated--but I wonder if you could be more explicit about your proposed “pay for a month” model. I went to Steady and didn’t find that any more detailed. I’m one of those people who subscribe very widely, which means I pay for subscriptions very sparingly. I’d gladly pay, say, $100 for an all-you-can-eat subscription where the proceeds were spread among those I read most, but your model sounds similar, which the reader doing the distributing.

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Thank you for this! I also love the layout.

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Wish you good fortune with the revised payment model, Kathleen.

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Love your reasoning here for taking the newsletter in a new direction, and the new layout looks great! Look forward to see where you go with the Yoga and Writing project as well as your 'Summer Travels' feature : )

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Very cool. Anne Kadet ("Cafe Anne") does all her stuff free and yet makes good money *she's one of the Substack "bestsellers"* so that's a lesson for all of us. I like the idea: If you create open, free content it'll attract more engaged readers and some will likely become paid...unless they want to stay free but hey: It's writing! As long as we're doing what we love, right?

Michael Mohr

"Sincere American Writing"


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