Nov 12, 2022Liked by Dr. Kathleen Waller

Your imagery is gorgeous, but your prose, as always, I'm finding out, steals the show.

I'm interested in building a very specific audience, too. I love this part, "Although I love social media, I want this to be a place of pause from the busy world online."

#AudioIssues was born of a similar want. I wanted a musical (specifically lyrical) ad-free respite from traditional pop culture and media experiences...that still embraces, utilizes, understands both in a more interactive/multimedia-enabled way. You seem to be doing that in your own way—and I dig it 🤓

I have traveled much of the country...but Japan and China (and HK) are big on the lists. I am jealous of your passport stamps and your talents.

Great work. Can't wait for the next. I hope I am part of that specific audience—I definitely think that I am.


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Sounds like a great course. When I did my MA at the RCA I hasn’t studied for a number of years. The experience was like someone had opened up the top of my head and blown air through it. So good. From then on I was hooked and there was no question in my mind that I would go on to do a PhD.

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I have studied for both a BA in English Literature and an MA in English Studies as a mature/working/parent student and found the biggest challenge has often been the response of other people, which has varied from an uncomprehension as to why I want to return to study to awe at how I have 'found the time'. I've always found this strange as I love to learn and develop new ideas and can't imagine never wanting to continue with that! Further study has brought me personal fulfilment, growth, improved my writing and research skills, given me confidence in my abilities and my work, and helped me as a parent. Great interview! Thanks for sharing : )

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