Thanks for all the feedback you’ve shared about a Matterhorn podcast! I’ll be launching with a few conversations in the next couple of months. These discussions will be related to the topics I’m exploring here as well as chats about writing, the arts, and cultural studies. I’ll also be recording voiceovers of select articles.
I’ve decided to host my podcast on Podbean, but I’ll be sharing the published recordings with you here through the newsletter. If you’re a Podbean listener, you can also follow the show at this link. The page has links to this show on the Spotify and iHeartRadio platforms with more to come.
Here’s a really brief audio trailer and a recording of one of my early articles: Read Less but Read Better. I certainly need to work on my outro fade, but you get the idea!
Let me know if there’s a topic you’d like to hear (more) about or if you want to be on the show. You can simply reply to this email if you’re a subscriber or find me on Instagram for a PM.
Over the next four weeks, I’ll return to Tuesday Topics with investigations of Paul Auster. Thanks for supporting this project!
Very nice. I heard a lot of people are into podcasts, audio books, etc. so I guess this is the right way to make more people interested in your excellent research. I envy your energy, Kate.
Love this idea!! Looking forward to it!