Mother-Writers and its Messy Discourse
A podcast conversation with Kate Jones, writer of A Narrative of Their Own

The Matterhorn is also a podcast. Today I’m sharing the most recent recording with you. You can also subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts to receive new podcasts on Thursdays.
Last week on The Matterhorn podcast, I spoke with Kate Jones on the topic of Mother-Writers. It was such a pleasure to speak with this writer who has much to say on the topic and is an active part of the Substack community. Kate holds an MA in 20th Century Women’s War Narratives and writes an online publication called A Narrative Of Their Own which you can find on Substack.
Whilst diving into the topic of parenting that we’ve been exploring on The Matterhorn this month, I was inspired and intrigued by Kate’s post entitled: “Wife. Mother. Other.” which you can read here:
Last week, we looked specifically at Mothering. Kate is a mother of two and writes about the narratives of 20th century women writers and the ways these intersect with current culture. She is particularly interested in the ways in which women's narratives continue to inform conversations around gender, parenting, and feminism.'
Since the podcast went live on Thursday, the conversation has already become the discussion point of a book club in England! We would love to hear what you have to say about the ideas or please let us know if your writing group / book club similarly have a chat about it.
You can listen here to our conversation or click on the links for Apple, Spotify, and other podcast platforms.
Here are a few other links:
The All Around Reduced Personality (film mentioned)
Please share your ideas below related to the conversation topic or texts we discuss. Thanks for listening!